Key Stage Two SATs Information
End of Key Stage Two Statutory Assessment Tests take place in all Primary Schools during May and the results are published to parents and the public later in the year.
What should my child achieve?
- A “typical” 11-year-old is expected to achieve age expectations within the National Curriculum standards.
- Some children will achieve below age expectations.
- While others will be working at greater depth within their age expectations
- A few may be working at a pre-key stage level.
How are children assessed?
- There are two sorts of assessments:
- Teacher Assessments
- SATs papers in English (Reading, Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar) and Maths (Arithmetic and Reasoning)
What does teacher assessment involve and how different is it from testing?
- Teacher assessments draw together everything the teachers know about a child, including their performance within daily lessons, ongoing observations, marked learning and school summative assessments. Teacher assessment is not a ‘snapshot’ like tests, and is therefore more reliable.