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Laira Green Primary School

Laira Green Primary Curriculum

Children at Laira Green Primary School are part of a busy, multicultural inner-city community, living in a fast-changing environment. They must be provided with opportunities to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence they need for their futures both in education and in society. Our role is to keep our children safe and prepare them for the next stage in their education. We aim to give them the confidence to become solid, dependable and well-qualified citizens with a rounded view of our world.  At Laira Green Primary School, we have a clearly-defined mission statement:

To create an inspired community of learners who are equipped with the skills, experience and confidence they need for a happy and successful future.

Laira Green Primary is a fully inclusive school where through our curriculum and extra-curricular offer, children embrace differences and respect all adults and children as part of our learning community. We want all of our children, including children with SEND and those who are from lower socio-economic backgrounds, through regular attendance in school, to become independent, respectful, articulate and confident citizens of the future. At Laira Green Primary, subject leaders and teachers think about the curriculum at three levels. The first is the intended curriculum – what we intend pupils to learn. Subject leaders set out this detail meticulously right from the very start, drawing on their academic knowledge, the Early Years Foundation Stage, the National Curriculum and experience of what is necessary to flourish in their subject. The second level is the implemented curriculum; the resources teachers use to deliver the curriculum. Finally, we emphasise the importance of the enacted curriculum, where our skilled teachers bring all of this knowledge to life in a way that will be meaningful and exciting for the pupils that they know so well. Ensuring that the impact on the children is great in all subjects, this includes their progress and attainment but also that their cultural capital is developed. This is further complemented by planned, meaningful trips fully funded by the school throughout the year.

Our ambitious and broad curriculum uses the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum as a basis, supplemented by rich experiences, high quality teaching and a wide and varied selection of well-attended extra-curricular clubs. All staff have high expectations for our children, regardless of background or prior achievement, delivered in fresh, clear and well-resourced classrooms. Our planning is detailed, inclusive and scaffolded to meet all pupils’ talents, skills and abilities. We revisit prior learning regularly and build upon knowledge enabling our pupils to make links between new and existing knowledge to aid long term retention. Subjects are taught discretely, but staff make meaningful links across subjects to deepen children’s learning and to consider the most important knowledge the children need to know. We look wherever possible to relate the curriculum topics to our local area: the diverse people and geography of Plymouth as a city and as a port, alongside the beauty and nature of Dartmoor, the sea and the rich history that our locality provides. We apply a range of teaching and learning strategies in our lessons which enable our children to become kind, determined and proud learners. Oracy and the building of vocabulary has high priority as soon as our children begin learning with us, so children can access knowledge through reading, speaking and listening and also explain their thinking and ideas to others. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum, both for learning and for pleasure.  Vocabulary development and being able to express your views is integral to all of our teaching.  It is progressively built up across lesson sequences and is evident in displays around the school.  A beautiful, well-stocked and inviting library with a wide range of quality texts and sources help to enrich the children’s learning experience. The wellbeing of the whole child and their part in their family and community is an integral part of our school culture; we promote a healthy and active lifestyle for our pupils and families. Carers are extremely well supported by staff and outside agencies so our children understand what it is to be kept safe by their community. Personal, social and emotional development is taught both in discrete lessons and also through assemblies, SMSC sessions and visiting speakers. This is supported and modelled by the actions of all adults; we actively seek to develop the whole child. As a school we invest in high quality and regular CPD for our staff. This includes working with external teams and engaging with current educational research and practices.  

Our outcomes will show all pupils have made progress as they will know more and remember more due to learning what we have intended from our curriculum. Children will be able to talk about their love of reading and be able to read fluently, confidently and with passion. We want our children to develop a lifelong love of learning in a range of subjects as well as interests and passions through extra-curricular activities. This means that all our children, regardless of background, and those with SEND, will be well prepared for the next stage of their education and have the firm foundations to be model citizens in our society. Our children will have the confidence and self-belief they need for a happy and successful future.


Laira Green Primary Whole School Curriculum Map

Laira Green Primary Extra-curricular Offer